Meet the artist

Shannon Howell


Hi I'm Shannon, a digital artist and web designer. I have been doing web design for about 30 years and digital art / photography for about 29 years. Needless to say, pretty much the same amount of time. I love to create fantasy art but I'm always willing and ready to push my limits to see what I can come up with.

While thinking about a new scene or something I want to model I enjoy drinking a cup of decaf black tea, Chamomile tea, peppermint tea, Earl Grey or maybe a cup of peach bellini tea and munch on some peanut butter oatmeal cookies that my wife Christie made. I love those cookies, so good. However as I am writing this the holidays and cold weather is on the way so Decaf Hazelnut Cin Creme tea is pretty festive and good for those cold mornings. Just a little tip for all you tea lovers out there that enjoy some tea with their art creation. A friend and neighbor turned my wife and I on to Adagio Teas which they are just awesome. I can't say enough good things about their quality of teas they offer.

I love creating my art because it allows my viewers to see another world through my eyes. A world of fantasy where anything is possible from casting magical spells to looking upon the stunning awe of a powerful dragon or tinkering in a steam punk style laboratory. My hope is that my art opens minds and inspires creativity of artist world wide. I am also a proud member of the Planetary Society which I would highly recommend if you like Star Trek and the future of space exploration.

Without God none of this would be possible and I am so thankful to him everyday for the talents he has given me to be able to do the work that I love so much.

Thanks for taking some time to learn about me.

God bless!
- Shannon

my art gallery

Latest Projects


of my artwork

- 3D Artist (magazine - twice)
- Computer Graphics World (magazine - twice)
- Computer Arts (magazine - twice)
- Digital Fantasy Paintings (book)
- Femme Digitale (book)
- Ads for E-on software / E-on software box cover art
- Renderosity Magazine for one of my short stories.


- - I designed and maintain for my art, photography and portfolio
- - I designed and maintain this site for my church I attend, Foster Road Church Of Christ.
- Daz 3D